Jan 2024-Present
Velmeni Inc. | Remote
Software Engineer
1. Spearheaded the integration of PACS servers with the company's AI driven report generation module using core Python, delivering the company’s first live project.
2. Secured $80,000 in recurring annual revenue from a single client by deploying the integrated PACS solution.
3. Engineered a high-performance syncing service for dental imaging software using Python, Django, Celery, AWS (S3, Lambda, SQS), and PowerShell, streamlining data workflows.
4. Achieved $100,000 in cost savings by developing the syncing service in-house, replacing third-party tools and enhancing operational control.
May 2022 - Aug 2022
IBM | Almaden,San Jose
Graduate Extern (Internship)
1. Explored Federated Unlearning with IBM.
2. Used PyTorch and Matplotlib for model customization and visualization.
3. Implemented Grid Search for hyperparameter tuning.
4. Built a Python-based evaluation method for Federated Unlearning.
Dec 2024-Present
Cloud based collaborative document editor
1. Development of a collaborative document editing platform using vanilla JavaScript for the frontend and real-time interactions.
2. Integration of Quill as the rich text editor and ShareDB for real-time synchronization and conflict resolution.
3. Backend built using AWS Lambda, API gateway, AWS cognito with DynamoDB for efficient and scalable document storage.
4. Implementation of simultaneous multi-user editing.
5. Utilization of WebSocket for real-time collaboration, providing a seamless user experience.
Mar 2023-Apr 2023
Implementing k-medoids clustering in parallel
1. Wrote parallel implementations of k-medoid clustering components using CUDA and MPI.
2. Wrote a parallel implementation of silhouette coefficient using MPI.
3. Used rice gene expression dataset to evaluate the implementation. Achieved highest silhouette score of 0.65.
4. Achieved a significant speedup of 7x for clustering and 20x for evaluation compared to serial implementation.